
Shabbat Dinner

This form is currently closed.
  • Timings throughut the Autumn and Winter months:
    7:00PM - Kabbalat Shabbat
    7:30PM - Shabbat Dinner

    Your on-time arrival enables us to start promptly and is appreciated

  • Please ensure your RSVP is submitted before midnight on Thursday night.
    Your timely advanced booking is essential, enabling us to plan ahead accordingly. 

    If this is your first time coming to Chabad, please PM for directions/address. 

    This form is for full time university students.
    Non-students, please contact us via the contact us form.

    If you are having trouble with this form please text on 07779008268. 
    All upcoming events can be found on our 
    online calendar  

  • Our goal is to start promptly,
    so we politely request that you make every endeavour to arrive on time!

    Thank you for your understanding. 

  • Should be Empty:
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